FAQ's & Resources

Learn more about hospice care and access valuable resources for your family.


What is Hospice Care?

Hospice is an approach to health care that is designed to support the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of someone with a life-limiting illness or condition. It provides compassionate care and support for those in the last stage of life so they may live their life as fully and comfortably as possible.

Hospice affirms life and regards dying as a normal process. It doesn't speed the process, nor is its purpose to delay death. The goal of hospice is to allow the dying process to unfold with a minimum of discomfort and to maintain the patient's dignity and quality of life until the end.

How does Clarity Hospice care for patients?

Clarity Hospice provides an interdisciplinary team approach to personal care — directed by a physician and coordinated by a skilled nurse specializing in hospice care. The team consists of a skilled hospice nurse, a certified nurse aide (CNA), a social worker and a chaplain. In addition to addressing the medical needs and personal care needs of the patient, the team also provides personalized training to the caregivers, and counseling services with a caring and compassionate attitude.

With this team approach, the patient, caregivers and family are able to prepare for the inevitable end of life. They are then better prepared for the reality of the illness and are able to face the last stages of life more comfortably and confidently.

The key components of hospice care include:

- Respect for the worth and dignity of each individual

- Dedication and commitment to the highest quality compassionate care

- It neither speeds up or delays the dying process

- Emphasizes the quality of life as opposed to the length of life

- Provides treatment of the individual patient, rather than treatment of the disease

- Alleviation of pain rather than a curative treatment

- Patient care training and counseling support for the patient, caregiver, and family

- Hands-on care by the nurse and nursing assistant when appropriate

- Assistance from the interdisciplinary team on a 24 / 7 / 365 basis

- Bereavement support for families and loved ones after a loss

- Paid for 100% by Medicare and Medicaid, and covered by most medical insurances

When is hospice care the right choice?

Hospice care is the right choice for patients with a terminal illness with a limited life expectancy if the disease progresses in its natural course. Hospice emphasizes palliative care (the relief of pain and management of uncomfortable symptoms) rather than a curative treatment. It focuses on the quality of life, rather than the length of life. Daily primary care is provided by family members or loved ones. The hospice team is available to provide training, counseling, and hands-on care when needed.

Clarity Hospice also provides emotional, spiritual and practical support based on the wishes and needs of the patient, caregiver and family. The hospice team, along with the patient's doctor, caregiver and family, creates a plan of care customized for each patient.



This site covers the full range of hospice care and includes helpful articles, publications and resources relating to end-of-life issues and hospice care. Excellent information, clearly written, easily read and understood. LINK


Partnership for Caring provides free state-specific advance directive documents that can be opened as PDF (Portable Document Format) files. The documents include of living wills and/or medical powers of attorney forms with clear instructions for completing them, as well as advice on how to handle the notable points of law. If you have additional questions, they also list their toll free hotline.  Note that you should always consult with your own attorney before using forms such as these. LINK


GriefNet.org is an Internet community of persons dealing with grief, death, and major loss. It consists of a number of email support gropus and two web sites. GriefNet's integrated approach to on-line grief support provides help to people working through loss and grief issues. Its companion site, KIDSAID, provides a safe environment for children and parents to find information and ask questions. LINK


Want to speak to a Clarity Health Services specialist? Send us a message, and we will contact you to see how we can be of service in answering your questions. We would love to hear from you.

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